The East Coast Genetic Genealogy Conference committee and, are co-hosting the third annual Genetic Genealogy Conference Oct 4-6, 2024 virtually and in person in Baltimore, Maryland.

East Coast Genetic Genealogy Conference 2024 about

The conference begins on Friday night with a welcome and a few sessions to start the evening. Saturday and Sunday will have two face-to-face tracks which will be recorded for viewing on demand, as well as a virtual track, with presenter and attendees meeting in a virtual webinar room. These sessions will also be available for viewing on demand after the conference, for all participants.

East Coast Genetic Genealogy Conference 2024 schedule


time iconOctober 4, 2024 17:00

Registration at Maritime

speaker headshot Tom Field

time icon

Using a DNA Research Log to Make Progress and Plan Your Next Steps

speaker headshot Kelli Bergheimer

A research log can help identify gaps, the strength of your arguments, adjustments needed to hypotheses, and caveating conclusions. Learn how mapping a research question from known information to analyzing new information and the transition from hypothesis to conclusion can help you construct DNA proof.
time icon

Tracking DNA Matches with Airtable

speaker headshot Nicole Dyer

Learn how to use Airtable, a spreadsheet database hybrid, to track matches, research, and clues to help you uncover the answer to your research question.

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DNA Reports: You’ve made a DNA Discovery. Now, How Do You Share It?

speaker headshot Diana Elder

Learn strategies for correlating and summarizing your DNA discoveries in a research report to share with clients, cousins, or for your own records.

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From Data to Discovery: Organizing DNA Results with Research Logs and Lineage Diagrams

speaker headshot Nicole Dyer

Learn to organize DNA results with a note-keeping protocol, diagrams, logs, and reports. Explore various tools to help, like Airtable, Lucidchart, trees, and

time iconOctober 4, 2024 18:30

The Power of AI in Education for Genetic Genealogists

speaker headshot Steve Little

Steve Little, AI Program Director at the National Genealogical Society, will introduce the topic, covering the potential benefits of Artificial Intelligence to Genetic Genealogy today. Learn about the latest developments, the limitations, and the ethical and privacy concerns surrounding the use of AI in genetic genealogy, with an emphasis on current usefulness for genetic genealogists. This session highlights the intersection of artificial intelligence and genetic genealogy in this rapidly evolving field. Practical ways will be offered to improve data analysis and management as well as to leverage AI for sophisticated DNA analysis and lineage tracking. Users will be encouraged to integrate AI into their research toolkit for advanced insights.

• Setting Up Efficient Data Workflows

• Introduction to Scripting for Automation

• Demonstrating Advanced Analysis Techniques with AI

• Exploring the Use of Databases

• Inspiring Genetic Genealogists to Embrace AI for Skill Development

• Equipping Participants to Elevate Their Research with AI Technology

time iconOctober 4, 2024 19:30

Socializing in Hotel Lobby

time iconOctober 5, 2024 07:00


time iconOctober 5, 2024 09:00

Keynote: DNA and Identity and Epigenetics

speaker headshot Diahan Southard

Millions of people turn to DNA testing and genealogy to learn more about their origins. Why? We’ll consider what drives this quest and how powerfully these discoveries can shape lives and change perspectives. We’ll talk about the idea of intergenerational identity, epigenetics (how past generations’ experiences can get handed down in our genes), and how we can rewrite–or put a fresh spin on–the stories from our past to build a better future.

time iconOctober 5, 2024 09:50


time iconOctober 5, 2024 10:05

Session A: Using DNA to Reunite Holocaust Survivors with Lost Family

This presentation will share case studies of how genetic genealogy has reunited Holocaust survivors and their children with lost family. 

time iconOctober 5, 2024 10:05

Session A: Visual Phasing with 2 Siblings & DNA Painter Tools

speaker headshot John Motzi

Visual Phasing can be performed using just two siblings! This methodology combines chromosome maps of known matches with inferred segments & traditional visual phasing techniques.

time iconOctober 5, 2024 10:05

Session A: Behind the scene of MyHeritage success stories and pro-bono projects

speaker headshot Daniel Horowitz

As a global leader in family history, MyHeritage believes that every person has the right to know where they come from. That’s what’s led us to initiate our pro bono projects — such as DNA Quest, which provides free DNA kits to adopted children to help them find their biological families. It’s also what moves us to facilitate family reunions and assist people seeking long-lost family members through careful and methodical research.

In this session, you will witness some of the most moving family reunions facilitated by MyHeritage, and learn about the research that made these once-in-a-lifetime events possible.

time iconOctober 5, 2024 10:55


time iconOctober 5, 2024 11:10

Session B: Swimming, Hunting, & Fishing in "Multiple Genetic Lakes" to Achieve the Best Family Discovery Outcomes

speaker headshot Jerome Spears

Using GEDmatch, Ancestry, & MyHeritage, coupled with Sibling Summation, Genetic Visual Phasing, Triangulation, DNA Chromosome Segment Matching, Shared Cousin Matches & Family Trees to discover.

time iconOctober 5, 2024 11:10

Session B:

mitoYDNA, the only free and accessible YDNA and mitochondrial DNA Database, is growing, with nearly 11,000 Kits. Join our experts as they show you around and discuss the database, it's origins and it's fabulous tools.

time iconOctober 5, 2024 11:10

Session B: DNA Case Study- An Unknown Grandfather in Washington County, PA

speaker headshot Kelli Bergheimer

DNA research questions sometimes require different strategies. See this research question solved using DNA analysis strategies you can apply to your own research.

time iconOctober 5, 2024 12:30


time iconOctober 5, 2024 13:30

Session C: Enhancing Your Native American Research with DNA Testing

speaker headshot ROBERTA ESTES

Join Roberta Estes of DNAExplained and Janine Cloud of FamilyTreeDNA, to examine how autosomal, mitochondrial, and Y-DNA testing can help you research Native American ancestry.

time iconOctober 5, 2024 13:30

Session C: Using Autosomal, mtDNA, and Y-DNA Results As Complementary Sources (Expert)

speaker headshot Dave Vance

This presentation would give reasons for and practical examples of using different types of DNA test results in tandem as complementary sources to help answer particular genealogy research questions. 

time iconOctober 5, 2024 13:30

Session C: Mastering AncestryDNA Thrulines

speaker headshot Mark Thompson

This eye-opening session will show you how to collaborate with your DNA matches using the incredibly popular, and often misunderstood, AncestryDNA ThruLines suite of tools. 

time iconOctober 5, 2024 14:20


time iconOctober 5, 2024 14:45

Session D: DNA and Endogamy: Making Sense When Your Matches Don’t Make Sense

Does your family tree resemble a tumbleweed? Learn strategies to recognize and deal with endogamy in your DNA matches at the various commercial testing sites. 

time iconOctober 5, 2024 14:45

Session D: Discover Your Paternal Ancestry with Big Y and the Time Tree

speaker headshot Katy Rowe-Schurwanz

Reach back further with Y-DNA! Learn how to use Y-DNA results to discover more about your father’s heritage and break brick walls

time iconOctober 5, 2024 14:45

Session D: The Power of Numbers in Autosomal DNA Projects

speaker headshot Wesley Johnston

Autosomal DNA projects can achieve success with enough testers to overcome usual limitations – which can require far fewer testers than most people would expect. 

time iconOctober 5, 2024 15:45


time iconOctober 5, 2024 16:30


time iconOctober 5, 2024 18:00

DNA Academy

speaker headshot Mags Gaulden
speaker headshot ROBERTA ESTES

speaker headshot Dana Leeds

speaker headshot Dave Vance

time iconOctober 5, 2024 21:00

DNA Never Lies: DNAngels tell their stories

speaker headshot Jennifer Roodzant

At this panel discussion, you will hear some of the highs and lows from the DNAngels search angels, including client stories and what the genetic genealogists experience through their client work.

time iconOctober 5, 2024 22:00

Creating a Successful DNA Special Interest Groups-

speaker headshot Cary Bright

DNA Learning can be a serious undertaking. Learn tips to create and manage a successful DNA Interest Group in your Society or Group

time iconOctober 5, 2024 23:00

Bridget Lennane - Paternity Case Studies

speaker headshot Greg Carlill

Using autosomal DNA to solve the mystery of who fathered Bridget's children, and who were her parents.

time iconOctober 6, 2024 07:30

ISOGG Meeting

time iconOctober 6, 2024 08:30

Supporting Deductive Genealogy Conclusions with Y-DNA

speaker headshot Dave Vance

This presentation takes a Genealogical Proof Standard-based deep look at the information from Y-DNA testing and how it can be applied as evidence towards genealogical conclusions. 

time iconOctober 6, 2024 09:30


time iconOctober 6, 2024 09:45

Maximize Your Maternal Research with Mito Discover and the new Mitotree

speaker headshot Katy Rowe-Schurwanz

New mtDNA developments can help you unlock the story of your direct maternal line. With the updated Mitotree and Mito Discover, mtDNA has become a powerful tool to learn about your matrilineal ancestors.

time iconOctober 6, 2024 09:45

Session E - My Favorite DNA Tools in 2024 and How I’m Using Them

speaker headshot Diahan Southard

Diahan will share with us WATO+, Banyan, and Shared Matches of Matches tools and how she is using them.

time iconOctober 6, 2024 09:45

Four Tools and Some Colors to Crack Your DNA Matches on MyHeritage

speaker headshot Daniel Horowitz

MyHeritage’s revolutionary DNA technologies Theory of Family Relativity™, Chromosome Browser, AutoClusters, and cM Explainer™ reveal valuable information helping you understand your relationships to DNA matches.

time iconOctober 6, 2024 10:45


time iconOctober 6, 2024 11:00

Unraveling DNA Mysteries: Inspiring Story of Discovery MPE

speaker headshot Aimee Haynes

Explore Dr. Nicole Price's journey, from a surprising revelation to an inspiring resolution as she seeks to uncover her birth father

time iconOctober 6, 2024 11:00

Dot Clustering Explained: Utilizing Ancestry's Dots to Highlight Ancestral Lines and Uncover Misattributed Ancestors

speaker headshot Dana Leeds

Dot Clustering Explained: Utilizing Ancestry's Dots to Highlight Ancestral Lines and Uncover Misattributed Ancestors

time iconOctober 6, 2024 11:00

It's All About Ethics! Using DNA with Integrity

speaker headshot Lynn Broderick

A brief history of the development of genetic genealogy’s ethical standards, where the community is today and steps for consideration to support making ethical decisions.

time iconOctober 6, 2024 12:00


time iconOctober 6, 2024 13:30

Group Project Administration at FamilyTreeDNA: the Basics and Beyond

speaker headshot Janine Cloud

Janine Cloud and Roberta Estes discuss the basics of running a Group Project, including tips and tricks for getting the most out of your project. 

time iconOctober 6, 2024 13:30

Integrating GEDmatch, DNA Painter, WikiTree, and mitoYDNA for Genealogical Success

speaker headshot Peter Roberts

Explore free synergistic genealogy tools: GEDmatch, DNA Painter, WikiTree, and mitoYDNA. Learn to enhance research with them on WikiTree. Confirm ancestral lines with DNA matching.

time iconOctober 6, 2024 13:30

Beyond the Paper Trail: Using DNA and Indirect Evidence to Discover Family History

speaker headshot Jennifer Roodzant

With no named father, a woman's origins can be revealed by combining DNA and documentary evidence. Learn genealogical techniques for uncovering complex cases.

time iconOctober 6, 2024 14:30


time iconOctober 6, 2024 14:45

Clustering Matches – a Powerful Tool (beg - Int)

speaker headshot Jim Bartlett

Each Shared Match Cluster forms on a single Ancestor providing a laser focus on the genealogy, including a view behind Brick Walls.

time iconOctober 6, 2024 14:45

160 year old mystery solved

speaker headshot John Motzi

The identity of Cate & Sam’s parents is solved using a combination of autosomal DNA probability tools with both matches and non-matches.

time iconOctober 6, 2024 14:45

When John Doe is a WWII Unknown Soldier

speaker headshot Wesley Johnston

WWII soldiers buried as Unknowns await identification. 7th Armored Division Association Historian Wesley Johnston presents case studies of DNA identification after other methods failed.

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All sessions will be recorded and will be available by registrants until December 31, 2024.